Welcome To The World's Safest, SuperActive, and Sustainable Skincare Brand.
Only #1 rated ingredients. Better for your skin, better for the planet.
What’s the deal with What’s My Age Again?
There are too many skincare products that do not put your skin first.
Product effectiveness is important…but it shouldn’t chip away at your health or negatively impact our planet. You’ve got one birthday suit to last your lifetime!
At WMAA?, we knew skin products could be better.
Sure, top-notch skincare products should give you results; Think clear, glowing, age-defying skin. That youthful resilience of a well-moisturized complexion without an oily slick.
But no one should have to put up with less-than-safe ingredients to get an effective product.
What ingredients are accumulating in your body?
What products might be tampering with your hormones?
Where are all the packaging and washed-off product going?
Your skincare products shouldn’t make you worry about that.
Many companies are trying to cut toxic ingredients out of their products, but we began a journey developing products that go above and beyond, using simple and effective ingredients. To us, it’s not good enough to avoid the mildly problematic ingredients. That is why we make sure that all of our ingredients are top-rated as per the Environmental Working Group (EWG).
“EWG is a community 30 million strong, working to protect our environmental health by changing industry standards.” This non-profit has been working hard since 1993 with public health top of mind, creating an easy-to-use rating system for products. That means, you as a consumer can find out exactly what is in the products you use every day to make educated choices on where to invest your money.
What’s My Age Again? Is proud to be EWG Verified because of its top-rated ingredients. We’re committed to staying away from ALL those “not the safest…but not that bad” ingredients.
Our products have ZERO less-than-the-safest ingredients. We use ONLY active, ultra-effective ingredients–and nothing more.
How important is it to us? So much so that we reject using a marketing calendar for our product pipeline. Meaning, we refuse to release sub-par products monthly, quarterly, or yearly just to get another product out there. Instead, we are on an innovation calendar. We only release products that have gone through our process, regardless of how long it takes, to ensure our customers get the highest-rated, super-active, effective ingredients and sustainable packaging. In fact, it took 2 years just to develop our first SuperActive Facial Moisturizer product. Your skin’s health is worth it!
We start with analyzing every effective ingredient relevant to a specific product in development. When we consider and test ingredients, we have in mind:
- Non-irritating building blocks. Non-essential fragrances? Inflammatory ingredients? No thank you.
- Contamination concerns. Carcinogens? Toxic by-products? Absolutely not.
- Preventing product accumulation in the body. Don’t let the products you wear every day punish your body!
- Developmental & reproductive toxicity. Your skin is your largest organ–a massive gateway to potential hormone and organ disruptors. We aim to protect that.
- Allergies & immunotoxicity. Sensitive and flare-up-prone skin needs TLC.
- Persistence & bioaccumulation. Great products should treat your skin. Not end up in wildlife.
Ageless skin care–you’ll forget your skin’s age.
Nothing’s wrong with being young at heart. So why should your skin have to act its age either?
There’s no age limit for a clean skin routine with non-toxic products.
What’s My Age Again? is all about cleaner-than-clean, ultra-effective, and affordable skincare products for both young and mature skin. Restore, rejuvenate, and learn to re-love your skin.
Beauty may be skin deep, but an ageless skincare routine with healthy, top-rated ingredients benefits you inside and out.
Your organs and hormones will thank you. And with low bioaccumulation, clean ingredients, cruelty-free production, and eco-friendly packaging, the earth will thank you too.
And that glowing youthful skin? It’s the perfect finish leaving even you questioning “what’s my age again?”
Try our independently EWG-verified skincare–it’s the one size that really fits all.